In the fourth aliyah Yakov called all his sons to tell them when Moshiach will come, but his prophecy is turned to blessings, instead.
Each tribe is blessed, as follows:
Reuven's blessing: as first-born he was destined for priesthood and kingship but lost them by his hasty actions regarding his father's couch.
Shimon and Levi's blessing: Conspiracy (Zimri from Shimon, who will bring the Midianite woman into the camp for harlotry, and Korach and his rebellion, from Levi).
Yehuda's blessing: Monarchy, Moshiach, and abundance of wine and milk in his portion.
Zevulun's blessing: Supporter of Torah (specifically, the tribe of Zevulun engages in sea trade to support the tribe of Yissachar in their Torah study).
Yissachar's blessing: They were active in Torah study, they bore the yoke of Torah, and from Yissachar issued 200 heads of the Sanhedrin (Rashi).
Dan's blessing: Shimshon (Samson) - a judge over Israel who will avenge the Philistines.